Informational Resources for Regulation of Agriculture in Pennsylvania
- The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA)’s website:
- The State Conservation Commission (SCC) administers and enforces the Nutrient and Odor Management Act Program. State Conservation Commission’s website: click on the “Protect” tab at top of site to get link for SCC web page.
- The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) regulates many different aspects of agricultural operations that implicate environmental protection practices. DEP’s website:
- The United States Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) assists in the Pennsylvania Nutrient and Odor Management Act program, as well as other agricultural areas, including farm funding programs. PA NRCS
- Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) manages State parks and forests and it also provides guidance to owners of private forest land on best management practices for forestry and timber harvesting. DCNR website:
- Penn State Cooperative Extension is a branch of the Penn State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences. The Cooperative Extension provides an educational network that gives people in Pennsylvania’s 67 counties access to Penn State’s resources and expertise. PSU Cooperative Extension website:
- The Center for Agricultural and Shale Law conducts agricultural and shale law research and outreach activities with a specific focus on those issues of importance in Pennsylvania. Through its programs, the Center serves a wide variety of stakeholders including agricultural producers, landowners and royalty owners, business professionals, judges, attorneys, legislators, government officials, NGOs, community groups, and the general public. The website for the Center is